Friday, November 03, 2006

The Cowboy Bus Driver

I realized this morning that my morning bus driver looks like he belongs more on a horse on a ranch in Wyoming than driving a city bus in Spokane. He kinda looks like Paul Newman and could totally be an actor playing a cowboy in some Hollywood western. So from now on I'm going to imagine that he's wearing a cowboy hat and a denim shirt and holding a lasso. As he's driving the bus. Just for fun.

Today I looked at Bored at work? Check it out. Sorry, I'm too lazy to provide a link.

Today I introduced my one piano/art student to watercolors. He's a 13-year old homeschooler who is very polite and will probably grow up to look like Kevin from The Office (but not as fat). I swear they have the exact same mannerisms and laugh. Anyway, he was worried about spilling paint and water on the carpet downstairs so we painted upstairs. I noticed that he was very meticulous with his watercolor cakes, cleaning them off with paper towels so the colors didn't muddy from mixing and double-dipping. He says please and thank you a lot. For all our carefulness I ended up spilling water all over their counter and nice hardwood floor. Of course they didn't mind--they are very nice people from Crawford NE, and the mother gave me a recipe for Runza Casserole. If you don't know what a runza is you must find out. Anyway, we commisserated on how no one outside of NE understands the beauty of this particular food. It's nice to know people like that. People who understand NE instead of saying, "Oh it's that really boring flat state, isn't it?"


Anonymous said...

Runzas! I know runzas! My (Minnesotan) mom used to make ground-beef-and-cabbage-filled ones when I was growing up. I didn't know runzas were particularly Nebraskan, but Wikipedia confirms it. Interesting! Sadly...I didn't really like them. But I am not a cabbage-eater. Or maybe it just wasn't a good recipe?

Anonymous said...

I love askaninja ( You can also subscribe to the podcast. This one is my favorite episode:

Anonymous said...

Here these links work: AskaNinja, and my favorite episode.